Spring is here in Chicago. I am so grateful this year to get outdoors and take in the gorgeous tulip gardens. The sun is shining and I am enjoying the views from my garden and my neighbors too. The botanical gardens and arboretum maybe closed this spring, but as the artist Henri Matisse once said, “there are always flowers for those who want to see them.”
More than ever I have enjoyed the seeing all the spring blooms and tulips gardens. The bright green leaves and shoots suddenly sprouting everywhere. The trees are covered in blossoms and for a moment it takes you to a more optimistic time. Nature has a way of lifting my spirits and reminding me of God’s great beauty.
Delightful Spring Daffodils
This garden is one that had me smiling and lingering as I walked by. The yellow and white daffodils were planted with purple hyacinths and double tulips. The tulips blooms were so full that they almost looked like roses.
These cheerful yellow daffodils looked so beautiful along the fence line of the house.
Tulips Around Town
These pretty pink tulips covered the lawn in this traditional garden. I love this English styled boxwood hedge.
This vibrant mix of pinks, yellows, oranges and reds caught my eye. I love how they spaced these little grouping in a rhythmic swirling pattern.
I also happen to love the happy bright blue green door and the garden lanterns that were scattered in the garden beds.
These lovely lavender and cream tulips looked so elegant in between the boxwood topiaries.
My Garden
I love color, so I a went with bright mix of tulips. This fall I planted a little over three hundred tulip bulbs in anticipation of spring. I got this colorful mix from a bulb wholesaler called Colorblends. It’s a mix of seven different pink, purple, red, and apricots bulbs called Well Spring Mix. I also added in some white emperor bulbs as well.
I love the fuchsia rhododendron with the bright jewel toned tulips and muscaris.
We have lots of shady trees so spring is a special season in our yard because before the new leaves sprout I can plant a few more colorful flowers.
The long front flower bed extends to the side where I planted another large drift of tulips.
The front is pretty, but my favorite spot is on my back patio where I have my largest tulip bed. I love spending time here. It one of my favorite places in our home.
Here they are when the late afternoon sun comes pouring in. I love the vibrant mix and the different texture of the petals.
This year I extended my planting to another smaller flower bed around the corner.
I decided to plant a mix of white tulips in this smaller spot.

So for now I plan to be outside enjoying the view as much as possible. I have always loved flowers, but tulips are one of my absolute favorites.
Tulips are the most hopeful flowers because they can take the cold dark winter and turn it into something that is breathtakingly beautiful. So in this time of uncertainty I am looking for the beauty around me and I am finding so much joy and peace in the garden.